Thursday, November 28, 2013

Personal Qualities -- 性格

Vocabulary, p. 53, (2a) -- Personal Qualities -- 性格

In the following conversation between Dad, Mom, and Carol, look for the words and phrases from the list:

Dad: Carol, be ambitious! You're charming, but you have no ambition. In this world, it's not good enough to just have charm. You have to have ambition!

Mom: Dad, you must be tolerant of your daughter. She has different ambitions. You should learn to tolerate her different ambitions.

Dad: What ambitions? Carol, do you have ambitions?

Carol: Yes. My ambition is to be kind to people.

Mom: Carol is not mean. And she is generous. That's a good thing!

Dad: Are you trying to tell me I'm mean and stingy?

Carol: Well, you can be generous at times, but you can sure be mean, too.

Dad: No, I'm not mean. I'm strict. There's a difference.

Carol: But sometimes you just have no sense of humor. Like last night. Ron was just joking around and you took everything he said so seriously.

Dad: Ron sure is egotistical. Where did he get that swelled head?

Carol: He doesn't have an overblown ego, Dad, he has confidence. And you tell me to be ambitious? Well, Ron is ambitious. He's determined to double the funds being raised for the Cancer Society this year.

Dad: That's an extravagant goal.

Mom: I think it's a good goal.

Dad: I think he's extravagant with other people's money.

Mom: Ron is good with people.

Dad: And I'm good with figures.

Carol: You have your strengths and Ron has his.

Mom: And Carol has hers.

Carol: And you have weaknesses, too. You work too many hours.

Dad: Working long hours is a strength!

Mom: Not always.

Dad: Okay, okay. We all have strengths and we all have weaknesses. But thats just what I was wanting to talk about. If you want to have ambition, you have to be confident.

Carol: I know, Dad. Knowing your strengths and weaknesses gives you confidence. And when you have confidence, you can be ambitious. But I am ambitious about what I want to be ambitious about. And I really do know my strengths and weaknesses.

Mom: Well, some of them, baby, some of them.

Dad: Well, I guess I should try to be more flexible in my ambitions for you.

Carol: Dad, I'd rather you didn't have ambitions for me at all. I'd rather you let me have my own ambitions.

Dad: Okay, sweetheart. I'll try to be more tolerant of your ideas and ambitions.

Carol: Thanks, Dad. I'll try to be more tolerant of yours, too.

Did you find them all?

Saturday, November 23, 2013

about the mock want-ads and reality show applications from last month.

I finally got the ones we looked at in class (heavily edited and without personal details) posted, want-ads here and reality show here.

Since I have to remove personal details, I decided to edit them more heavily than in class. The English is now fully native, so you should check and compare. If you are not sure why I made some changes, ask me, either by e-mail or in class next time.

This one has been a long time coming. My apologies.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Good with Money -- お金を上手に使う

This was a list of common-sense rules about money (in the context of the English language).

* Good with money.

* Save money.


* Being good with money is more than just saving it.

* 質問を聞くいわゆる「疑問詞」を接続詞に使うと、関連の意味ができる。
  • "Why" を接続詞に使うのは「なぜ?」ではなく、「理由」の意味です。 
  • "How" も接続詞として出ているので、「使い方」というものを示す役です。 
  • "When" も、接続詞になると「いつ」ではなく、「時」や「場合」などです。 
  • "If" も、接続詞になって、何らかの条件を満たしたかどうかについて話ができる。
* What's more important is ...

* Do I need it?

* Can I afford it?

* Can I get it cheaper?

* impulse buy

* reduce

* bargain

* put
  • put it up (上などへ)片付ける
  • put it away (他所へ)片付ける
  • put it back 元に戻す
  • put it down (下へ)元に戻す
* It gives you time to decide ...

* ... shopping

* end up ...

* throw away

* at the checkout (register/stand/counter)
"Check out" は診る意味や確認する意味があって、お店のレジや図書館のカウンターは確認できるところでしょうね。

* trolley

* stick to ...

* a way to ...

* high fashion

* out of fashion

* shop around (for a good price)

* big ticket
高価格の("ticket" は "receipt" つまり、リシート、領収書などのことを指している。)

* good deal

* take a look

* review websites
*expensive mistake

In Japanese or English, advice usually ends up being done in command form grammar. Softening the expression tends to invite confusion.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Outline of 4th lesson (November 9th)

"Counted noses" to make sure I didn't miss anyone on the attendance roll.
出席を見るのが "counting noses" に例えられること。

Started with the "Good with Money" article on p. 55, reading and checking meaning in class.
「お金の扱いが良い」の p. 55 の記事で始めた。意味を確認しながら皆で読みました。

Checked the meanings of the vocabulary list of personal qualities in element 2a on p. 53.
P. 53の要素 2a の性格単語・表現の意味を確認しました。

*** Asked for elements 2, 3, and 4 on p. 51 for homework. Note that (a) for "out" is not "figure out", because we are looking for phrases from the reading on p. 50 -- Frank Abagnale.
※ 宿題として p. 51 の要素 2, 3, 及び 4 を頼みました。注意してほしいことは、 要素 4 の "out" (a) について、 "figure out" は Frank Abagnale の記事に出てこないのでこの「計算」はまた違う表現です。

Note: "English" pronunciation of Abagnale is "Ah-big-nail", although the Italian pronunciation of "Ah-bah-nyah-leh" is okay, too.
注: "Abagnale" の英語らしい発音は「ェア・ベグ・ネイル」のようです。イタリアの「ア・バ・ニェール」でも大丈夫。

Worked through element 5 on p. 51, which basically answers element 4.
P. 51 の要素5を皆でやりました。ちなみに、要素4の大きい手がかりになります。

Worked through elments 10 and 11 on p. 52. Note the trailing intonation, rising when you are asking for a response, and falling when you are not.
P. 52 の要素10及び11を皆でやりました。わかってほしいのが、文の最後の発音のピッチが上がるのが返事か反応を期待している時です。返事や反応がもう決まっている気持ちで、特に反応を待つ必要がないと思っているとき、質問の形にしても断言の意味のときなど、最後の発音が下がる。
Spent some time discussing ways to get rich quick in small groups. Pretty much everyone stretched a little and tried to speak in English.

Talked a bit about the honesty issues in element 12.
P. 52 要素 12 をもって、正直について話しました。

Listened to tracks 1.33 and 1.34, looked at the script for track 1.34 on p. 90 and talked about the seminar's interpretation of entrepreneurial skills, referring again to element 2 on p. 53.
DVD トラック 1.33 と 1.34 を聞いて p. 90 でそのスクリプトを見ながら、p. 53 要素 2 を参考に、セミナーによる発明家のスキルについて話し合いました。 

Talked about selling yourself short, about selling stocks long and short, and a little about self-worth: Don't sell yourself short!

*** Also asked you to listen to track 1.35 and check your pronunciation, per element 8 on p. 54 for homework.
※ また、宿題として、トラック 1.35 を聞いて、 p. 54 要素 8 のように発音チェックをお願いしています。

Friday, November 8, 2013

Grammar and Money vs. Time -- お金と時間の文法

Some words and phrases can be used with money, time, and other resources. Others, not so much.

"Earn", for instance, is most commonly used with money:
例えば、 "earn" は大概金銭関係に使います。
I earn about 200,000 yen a month when I'm working. ボクは仕事しているときおよそ一ヶ月20万円を稼いでいます。
and それに
I don't earn enough to keep my kids in school. 子供を学校に聞かせるほどの給与をもらっていません。

Not so much with time, but you can say things like,
I earned a little extra time off this week by doing some overtime. 今週、残業して普段よりも多く休暇を取らしていただけるのです。
On the other hand, 一方、
I earn three hours an hour. 私の時給3時間です。
would be a hard sentence to understand. Maybe it's a sentence from a science fiction novel?

But, しかし

Employees earn one hour of vacation time for each 20 hours worked. 20時間の作業に一時間休暇を当てます。
could be a line from a company's operations manual.

You can earn some things, as well:
"Earn" はある物にも適用できます。
Dedicated training earned Bolt another gold medal today. 献身的な訓練過程がボルト選手に、もう一つの金メダルを設けさした。(献身的な訓練によってボルト選手が今日、金メダルをもう一つ手に入れた。)
Now, if you are trying to say something like
generally, you want to use "free" or "free up" instead of "earn":
一般的には "free" もしくは "free up" を使いたい。
She changed the order she did her homework in, and freed up an hour.
"Value" is similar to "worth". Both can translate to 価値 (kachi) in Japanese in many cases. Value also refers to 価値観 in some cases.
"Value" と "worth" は似たいみがります。双方は多くの場合、「価値」と訳せる。また、 "value" は「価値観」とも訳せます。

But most of the places you would use the phrase "good value" have something to do with economic exchange.

The following table shows some places you need to be careful:

earn ...
good value for the ...
... to spare
inherit ...×
invest ...
be [not] worth the ...
lend ...
borrow ...
make ...[○]
[not] have enough ...
run out of ...
save ...
spend ...
steal ...
use ... [wisely]
waste ...
kill ... [△][○]

The table doesn't tell you much without examples. I'm hoping I can update this next week with useful examples.

One word I'd like to mention in passing, "worth" is a word worth knowing.
1つちなみに取り上げたい単語はその中にあります。 "Worth" という言葉は知るほどの価値があります。

Too Much is Never Enough -- あり過ぎは足りない

When I was a university student, one of MTV's better-known slogans was "Too much is never enough."
ボクの大学時代の MTV有名なスローガンの1つでした。「あり過ぎは絶対に足りない。」

If you're asking whether it's possible to have too much money, you should first ask whether it's possible to have enough.

Of course, it's a question of attitude, and whether you are addicted to the things money can buy.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Sudden Wealth 行き成りの豊か (updated)

Now, I would never win a lot of money, because I don't play the lottery.

But it's a topic in the book, so if I did suddenly come into a lot of money, what would I do with it?

Actually, I have daydreamed about this, and even blogged about lotteries before.

Well, I guess I'd spend a little of it on myself. Maybe buy a smartphone and a new suit, maybe fix my bike.

I'd probably spend more of it on family. My wife thinks my kids need phones, too. And the family needs a new computer and new clothes. And we need a house, if the money would go that far.

Maybe a car would be useful sometimes, but cars can be rented.

And there are a couple of friends who have helped my family and me in the past. I'm not sure what I'd do for them, but I'm sure I could think of something.

I'd definitely give part of it away to a few good causes. Sharing some of what we have with people who need help is a good way to express our gratitude.

I'd also definitely put quite a bit in the bank, mostly retirement funds for my wife and me, and education savings for our kids. No need to mention it to anyone.

And the thing I'd definitely like to do if I had lots of money is start a business helping people learn how to use the Linus OS in their own computers.

Okay, the above is what I came up with after letting it rest for several days.

Below are some of the examples I came up with in class. Some are mine, some are student examples. They may help in formulating your own examples.

If I had a lot of money, I would start a computer business and put Microsoft and Apple out of business.

If I had a lot of money, I would start a slow-food restaurant with my wife.

If I had a lot of money, I would go to Tokyo University.

If I had a lot of money, I would go to Mars.

If I had a lot of money, I would donate a lot to starving artists.

If I had a lot of money, I would donate a large part of it to UNICEF, the Earthquake relief fund, the Cancer society, and the Green Party.

If I had a lot of money, I'd donate a tenth of it to my church.

If I had a lot of money, I would travel to France, to study culinary arts [cooking].

If I had a lot of money, I would buy a new netbook computer.

If I had a lot of money, I would buy a hamburger and get back to work.

If I had a lot of money, I would buy my mother- and father-in-law a new house.

If I had a lot of money, I would invest it all in Red Hat, and Google, and Apple.

If I had a lot of money, I would spend half of it on my family and myself, and put the rest in the bank.

Outline of 3rd Lesson (2 November)

Started with talking about money and time and other resources, following along on page 49. That ended up consuming the first hour. (Didn't plan that, but it seemed interesting. Was that just me?)

The second hour was devoted to the homework from last week -- several students' mock want-ads and the applications to the mock reality show. I need to put some of the samples up.

The only homework I assigned was revising the homework from last week.

Reading the text on Frank Abagnale took what remained of the third hour.

I did some quick fixes for about six students after class.

Someone left test study materials in the back. I turned them over to the people in the office, to take care of. I'll try to remember to check on that next time.

Optional homework for the ambitious:

There is a review/practice test on p. 48. It's worth giving it a try so you can ask me questions.

As always, exploring the DVD might prove interesting.

You might want to look up Duncan Bannatyne on the Internet.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Applying to a Mock Reality Show -- 模擬リアリティショーに申し込みする (updated)

Here's my example:

I Want to Go to Mars
  • I live in Japan now, in a suburb of Osaka. It's actually not a bad place, convenient to stores, parks, and public transportation.
  • I am busy with teaching and studying, so life is good.
  • But I don't like convenience, and being busy all the time gets me down. I want some excitement and adventure.
  • I want to go to Mars!
  • Going to Mars has been my dream since I was a child.
  • I want to build a colony on Mars and try to figure out really interesting problems, like cultivating edible plants in Martian soil and keeping a pressure dome on Martian sand filled with air.

I finally got time to get some of your contributions posted, without (I hope) personal details.

I want to move to the country!

Now I live in a suburb of Osaka city. It's a beautiful town surrounded by nature, and I like it a lot.

But I don't really feel comfortable with the city atmosphere that I feel every day when I go to school. The morning train is always very crowded.

After school I have to go to cram school. I don't like cram school. I am always totally tired when I get home. I'm really stressed out all the time.

In my new home, I'll probably go jogging every day after school. And I'll definitely never go to cram school


I visited Australia on a short home-stay program. I really enjoyed the lifestyle and the climate.

I want to go back and stay, to become an adult there and get a job, and settle down.

The Country

The city is too fast-paced, and out of touch with nature, for me.

I dream of moving to the county where I can live a slow life, surrounded by beautiful nature.

When I move there, I will fill a big garden with many beautiful flowers. I will also grow various kinds of fruits and vegetables, and I will cook with what I grow.

And I will have time to enjoy it all in my slow lifestyle.

I'm looking forward to my dream coming true!

The City!

The country has nothing to do, and no one to meet.

I'd like to move to the city because I can meet many people there. The experience will surely affect me for the better and help broaden my outlook. I will be able to try many new things and find new interests. For instance, I will be able to meet people from all over the world and discuss things with them. It will give me a chance to hear about their culture and their way of thinking.

Moving to the city is a challenge that I want to take on.

New York!

I live in Middlehill, where it is really quiet and peaceful. I feel bored  everyday. It' s so dull.

I really want to move to a place where I can hang out with my many friends and buy lots of cool clothes. So I think NY is the best place for me. In New York, I will be clubbing all night for sure.


I lived in Hawaii for a while when I was young. There are beautiful beaches and lots of friendly people. There are no beautiful beaches near where I live now, and people mostly keep to themselves.

When I was young, I swam in the beautiful sea. And I went shopping at Hawaiian stores. I miss those now. I'd like to move back.

Want-ads -- 「三行広告」 (updated)

Here is my example want ad:

Almost Antique Macintosh

68030 model -- needs a new home. Performa 550 with Japanese Mac OS 7.6, 32MB RAM and coprocessor. Free for the shipping charges.
Call 06-5XXX-4XXX.

Hmm. 「三行広告」 But more than 3 lines.

How should we translate "Want-ad"?  「要求広告」?  「欲求広告」?  Or the confusing pronunciation --  「ウォントアド」?


Note that want-ad grammar is cut down. "Be" verbs are mostly dropped, and there is a lot of abbreviation, reliance on short idiom, and assumptions of understanding. Converting my example to normal English results in something like this:

[My] 68030 model [Macintosh] needs a new home. [It's a] Performa 550 with Japanese Mac OS 7.6, 32 Mb of RAM, and a [math] coprocessor. [I will give it] free [to anyone who is willing to pay] for the shipping charges.

Here are some of your want-ads, cleaned up a bit, and personal details mostly removed/substituted. (I forgot which one I was supposed to leave out, but I think I've removed enough detail that it should be okay.)

Math Teacher
Very kind math teacher wanted to teach me math with clear explanations.
Good knowledge of math needed.
Call Samantha at ___-____-____.

I think this one doesn't need much explanation.

Looking for new friends who can speak English and Japanese, to teach me English and share my interest in Korean pop. Fan of super junior.
If you can be my friend, please follow my twitter @________ and talk with me there!!


Note that "Fan of super junior" refers both to the advertiser and the sought friend.

Come to our school festival!
Sat Nov 2: 10a.m.-4p.m.
Osaka Sensible Girls' High School.
Come enjoy food, dance, games, and other activities with us!
Details on web

Version 1:

Used suitcase
Large, black. Needs new owner.
Please call Julia at ___-____-____

Version 2:
My old, roomy suitcase needs a new owner.
Black, not heavy.
Just right for your next trip!
Please call Julia at ___-____-____
Note that the second version is deliberately not abbreviating.

CALL ___-____-____.

Seeking highly motivated players.
Helpful captain, friendly teammates.
Practicing in large, well-equipped gym.
Call ___-____-____.

You all did very nice work. Again, my apologies that I took this long getting this up.

Root Words, Prefixes, Suffixes

In Japanese, Kanji form the basic unit in constructing new words from old.

In English, we have root words.
英語では漢字がなくても根本的な単語があります。 "Root words" と言います。つまり、「語根」、あるいは「語素」のことです。

In the last class, we talked about compound words, where you put two (or more) root words together. This time, we talked about constructing words from root words and affixes.

There are two kinds of affixes, prefixes and suffixes. Prefixes go in front of the root word(s), and suffixes go after.
英語の接辞は2つの種類の prefix (接頭辞)と suffix (接尾辞)があります。 Prefix なら単語の前に(頭部)に付けて、 suffix の場合は単語の後に(尾部)に付けるのです。

Common English prefixes include
  • pre- 「前」や「頭部」の意味を加える
  • post- 「後」や「尾部」の意味を加える
  • in- 中に吹き込む意味を加える、あるいは、効果を逆にする
  • un- 意味を逆にする
  • re- 繰り返す意味を加える
  • ex- 外す意味を加える
  • mis- 間違いや目的外れの意味を加える
  • dis- 効果を取り消す
among others. Common suffixes include
  • -ous 元単語の関連性を指摘して、形容詞を作る
  • -ness 元単語の傾向を指摘して名詞を作る
  • -less 元単語のことをなくした意味の形容詞を作る
  • -ive 特に動詞につけて、傾向の意味の形容詞を作る
  • -able or -ible 特に動詞につけて、能力や効力の意味の形容詞を作る
  • -ly or -y 特に形容詞を副詞にする
  • -er 特に動詞につけて、「〜者」のような意味の名詞を作る
among others.

From the Kanji, we might think of 「不」(ふ) or 「者」(しゃ) as similar examples.

These affixes are generally not considered true words, because you usually don't use them on their own. By themselves, they are incomplete.

For a kind of complicated example, "in", by itself, is a preposition. As a word, it connects pieces of a sentence together, and it has meaning.
一つのちょっと複雑の例として、 in を単独にすると、前置詞です。単語として、文章の部分を接続したりして、意味があります。

But when "in-" is attached to a verb, it either means to bring the effect of the verb inside something or it means to reverse the effect of the verb. As a prefix, it needs a verb to be complete.
一方、 in- を動詞の前につけると、その動詞の効き目が何かの中へと働きかけるか、そうでなければその動詞の効き目を覆すのか、動詞に取り付けていないと単語としては未完成です。

When you understand root words and suffixes and prefixes, it becomes much easier to understand and remember new words.